Pain relief and selfcare backed by science
Product Highlights

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Let me give you a little backstory. My skin is fair and extremely dry. I have occasional bouts of eczema patches on my face and I cannot use just any product. I must use high-quality products, even with ultra-hydrating products, during the day, my face will have dry areas with noticeable flaking patches. Recently, I have also been experiencing breakouts on my face around the chin area.
I was provided with a sample bottle of the Ritual Face oil and that evening decided to use it. I washed my face, and applied toner, then I used 5 drops on my entire face. It felt a little grainy, but I knew it wasn’t the oil. My face still felt wonderful. The next day, I used the oil again, however this time, my skin was smooth and felt even better. I've used Ritual Face Oil for more than 10 days now and the breakouts on my skin are disappearing and my skin does not feel dry and I am not experiencing visible dry patches during the day – everything that I would experience prior to using the Ritual Face Oil. I have noticed that my skin texture and tone have both improved. My face doesn’t feel irritated anymore and the breakouts are healing and almost gone with no new visible issues.
Thank you! Thank you for making a wonderful product that works for me!
-Kristin J